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Archivi mensili: Dicembre 2024

Neuroprotective Potential of Indole-Based Compounds: A Biochemical Study on Antioxidant Properties and Amyloid Disaggregation in Neuroblastoma Cells

Abstract Based on the established neuroprotective properties of indole-based compounds and their significant potential as multi-targeted therapeutic agents, a series of synthetic indole–phenolic compounds was [...]

2025-01-02T11:51:58+01:00Dicembre 23rd, 2024|Pubblicazioni|

Decoding Schizophrenia: How AI-Enhanced fMRI Unlocks New Pathways for Precision Psychiatry

Abstract Schizophrenia, a highly complex psychiatric disorder, presents significant challenges in diagnosis and treatment due to its multifaceted neurobiological underpinnings. Recent advancements in functional magnetic [...]

2024-12-02T13:14:52+01:00Dicembre 2nd, 2024|Pubblicazioni|

Collaborative Outcomes Study on Health and Functioning During Infection Times (COH-FIT): Global and Risk-Group Stratified Course of Well-Being and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Adolescents

ABSTRACT Objective To identify the COVID-19 impact on well-being/mental health, coping strategies and risk factors in adolescent worldwide. Method Anonymous online multi-national/language survey in the [...]

2024-12-02T13:02:44+01:00Dicembre 2nd, 2024|Pubblicazioni|
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